Teaching english in thailand

How to live and work in Thailand

Thailand is among the 50 largest countries in the world. Located in Southeast Asia, Thailand is the only country in the region that was not colonized by Europeans. Living in Thailand can be inexpensive, but requires the appropriate documents. Tourists who extend their stay in the country and those who travel to Thailand to work can rent housing and dine on a variety of cuisines. While English is spoken in Thailand, learning to speak Thai will help you to smoothly transition into a life among the people of "The Land of Smiles."


  1. Acquire the appropriate documents for entry into Thailand.
    • Apply for a passport if you do not have one. A passport is a form of identification that verifies your citizenship in a country and allows you to travel to other countries.

Steps to Study Abroad at International Univesity

How to Get Ready to Study Abroad

You have been accepted into a study abroad program and now want to know what you should do. You cannot imagine packing for a semester/year abroad, you start to worry about money, you find it hard to let some things stay at home, how to go about it? More info Click Here!


  1. Google your new town. You can find more information on their holidays, their weather, and their population. Use Google Street to get a real life view of the town's streets. It's good to picture yourself walking there, imagine yourself smiling and having the time of your life.
  2. Get the insider info. Try to contact a previous participant for your program or a student from the foreign university. Offer to buy them a coffee and ask them any questions you might have about the school/town. Do not forget to ask about the clothing suggestions they might have or any good phrases/traditions to remember.